Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D.
Office: GHH 215
Hours: M, W, F, 12:00 - 1:30
Phone: 254-3230
Welcome back from Spring Break
There are no new readings for this day, nor for Thursday. I assume you're working on completing your fiction review. Monday and Thursday we'll watch one of the most notorious films ever made in this country. It is Birth of a Nation based on the novel the Clansman, by Thomas Dixon, Jr. Racism was alive and well during The Gilded Age. Many Confederate Soldiers were alive and kicking (literally) at the reconstruction regulations imposed on the South as part of the process of their reentry into the Union. You'll notice that all the characters regardless of race are played by white actors. There was no integration in movieland back then.
The Clansman is on the list of E-Fiction books, in case you're interested in taking a look at it.
We will finish watching Birth of a Nation based on the novel The Clansman, by Thomas Dixon, Jr. Racism was alive and well during The Gilded Age. Many Confederate Soldiers were alive and kicking (literally) at the reconstruction regulations imposed on the South as part of the process of their reentry into the Union. You'll notice that all the characters regardless of race are played by white actors. There was no integration in movieland back then. It is a longie. We'll see if there is time to discuss it at all.